Gilbert's Globetrotters
We are so excited that after months of planning, our huge Gilbert’s Globetrotters event happens in a month!!!
Check this area regularly to keep updated with all of the latest information in school.
We are so excited that after months of planning, our huge Gilbert’s Globetrotters event happens in a month!!!
We are excited to invite you and your families to CHOCOLATE BINGO!
I am delighted to inform you that once again Battling Brook is an over subscribed school.
As you are aware, during the summer holidays, we lost a very dear and valued member of our team – Miss Gilbert. As I am sure you can appreciate, this has had a massive impact on our whole school and it has left a huge void in our school.
As a school, we are aware that nationally there is much conversation around mental health and helping children to understand themselves and manage their emotions. Earlier this school year, we discussed the Zones of Regulation with our children, which has really helped give language to emotions. At this time though, we want to take this support further for our children.
We are writing to all parents to establish whether there are children currently attending Battling Brook who are entitled to receive Pupil Premium/Free School Meals who are not claiming their funding.
Please note that with effect from today, the Outlands Drive pedestrian gates will be locked from 3.30pm.
Just a quick message to thank everyone who keeps the school updated when their children are unwell.