It is our vision that all children at Battling Brook experience excellent physical education, school sport and physical activity; where every child feels confident and ready to participate. This will lead to lifelong enjoyment, participation and active lifestyle choices.
At Battling Brook, we recognise the importance of providing a high-quality, broad PE curriculum that is exciting, engaging and challenging. We work closely with other local schools, clubs and organisations to create a wealth of sporting opportunities for our children. Taking part in TAG rugby festivals, gymnastics competitions and the Hinckley and Bosworth swimming gala to name a few. Children, in Year Three, have swimming lessons at Hinckley Leisure Centre.
Throughout our P.E. curriculum and extra-curricular activities, children are taught to observe the conventions of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour. Children take part in games, gymnastic movement, dance and athletic activities using indoor and outdoor environments. We offer a variety of after school opportunities in partnership with Premier Education, Didi Sports and Future School Fitness.