Day-to-day life at Battling Brook School
Children should expect an exciting and vibrant learning environment. A huge amount of work has been undertaken to deliver this and more improvements are planned in the near future. The school provides a unique learning environment for all.
A vibrant environment...
A key feature of our school is the colourful, vibrant learning environment, which is full of interactive areas in which our children can learn, play and explore. Many of the best ideas for school improvement come from the children and are discussed by our very active school council. The children take real pride in seeing their ideas made a reality!
An inspiring curriculum...
The school constantly aims to provide a curriculum designed to engage and inspire all children. Our exciting and creative curriculum is supported by modern technology, theme days, out-of-school visits and partnership working with various agencies.
All children are unique and have their own special gifts and talents. We also know that children learn in many different ways, and we therefore teach using a variety of methods in order to help children to flourish.
Good behaviour...
Pupils are consistently reminded of appropriate behaviour both in and around school. All children are encouraged to respect and care for other people to ensure a more happy and positive environment for everyone.
The general classroom guidelines for good behaviour are as follows:
- To follow instructions carefully
- To listen carefully when people talk
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
- To raise your hand instead of calling out
- To allow others to learn without distraction
Good behaviour is promoted in a consistent way in order for the children the feel safe and secure, the school to be orderly, and to set the tone for quality teaching and learning.
Children and their class teachers create a class charter at the beginning of the school year, highlighting everyone's right to learn as well as our own responsibilities. Visitors to our school regularly comment on how polite, well-mannered and well-behaved the children are - something of which we are very proud!
Parents have a vital role in fostering good behaviour. Difficult behaviour is frequently linked to poor school performance and parents must understand the importance of ensuring that children take their school and homework seriously. Parents can support the school ethos on behaviour by signing the schools' behaviour contract which is issued during the first half-term.
Should you have any concerns regarding your child, please contact the school.
Before-school care
Battling Brook provides our "Earlybirds" childcare club. This is available from 7.45am until the start of the school day. Each session costs £3.00 and must be pre-booked using the School Gateway app.
A typical school day
8.45am |
School starts |
10.30am - 10.45am |
Key Stage 1 break time |
10.50am - 11.05am |
Key Stage 2 break time |
12noon - 1.00pm |
Key Stage 1 lunchtime |
12.15pm - 1.15pm |
Key Stage 2 lunchtime |
3.15pm |
End of school day |
After-school care
There is an after-school facility provided by Jan Stoker available from 3.15pm until 5.30pm. To book a place or for further information, please contact Lauren Glover on 07884 404742.
Holiday clubs
Information will be sent home using our communication system to provide information prior to each school holiday.
School clubs and extracurricular activities
We aim to provide opportunities and enrichment to appeal to children's different interests. These include sporting activities, music and arts and those which carry responsibilities such as Eco-warriors, Junior road Safety Officers (JRSOs) and a School Council.
In addition, we plan for a range of visitors and visits, including residential trips which in the past has seen pupils visit Paris, attend outdoor activity centres and an overnight trip to sleep by the sharks at The Deep in Hull.
Useful information
Illness at school...
Should your child become ill or injured at school, we have staff trained in paediatric first aid. Parents are contacted if sickness or injury prohibits the child from learning or there is a bump to the head. It is therefore essential that the school is notified quickly of any changes in telephone numbers or addresses - please do so by emailing any changes to the school office.
Medication at school...
To comply with Health & Safety regulations, parents are requested to administer all medication before or after school, unless the medication is required four times per day. If this is the case, please visit the school office to complete the relevant form which will be shared with Mrs Langlands or Mrs Lucas.
Children who suffer from asthma must have their inhaler in school at all times.
Head Lice Guidance
Please follow the link below for further information and advice on the treatment and prevention of head lice.
Head lice and nits - NHS (
Lost property
All property including footwear, should be CLEARLY LABELLED. Should any property be found, it will be put in the lost property trolley in the main school entrance. If you wish to check this, please go to the main school office either before or after school.