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Gilbert's Globetrotters

We are so excited that after months of planning, our huge Gilbert’s Globetrotters event happens in a month!!!

Here’s a quick reminder of what we hope to do.  We intend to circumnavigate the globe (25000 miles) in 80 hours (8am on Wednesday 9th April until 4pm on Friday 11th April).  There will be lots of events taking place during school hours for your child to take part in as well as evening activites that we hope you can attend too (a separate letter regarding this will be sent home soon).  Staff will also be involved (and getting sponsorship) both in the same activities as the children and we will be using gym equipment to rack up even more miles.  We are hopefully going to have visitors joining us over the three days to inspire the children and encourage them to push themselves!

This is where the hard work starts and our focus turns to raising the funds for our incredible ‘Jade’s Gym’.  Attached to this letter is a sponsor form for your child to share with friends/family/neighbours to ask for support.  It’s up to you how you choose to do it – your child can commit to a distance to complete over the three days or a donation in return for them participating.

We have also created an online donations platform that you can share with supporters so that they can make online payments (you can access by scanning the QR code below).  Once on the site, you can also click on the ‘Join this Campaign’ and personalise your own fundraising page which will allow you to see all donations that have been made by your supporters, this will then feed through to the main school page and contribute to our total funds.

Also attached to this letter are a couple of small slips for your child to log their mileage outside of school.  So if they have an after school club that they attend or you go on a dog walk, please make sure you log the distance completed as it will all contribute to the overall distance travelled during the three day event.  Then ask an adult (coach or parent) to verify the distance and sign to say that they witnessed the activity taking place and return it to school the next day for us to log.  If your child participates in one of our evening activites then they do not need to complete the slip as this will be done by staff at the event.

After the event (following the Easter break) all children will receive a certificate of participation to share with their supporters to show their total distance completed.  If you would like any further information or any of the above details clarifying, please contact the school office. 

Finally, a huge thank you in advance to all of our pupils and their families for supporting us and enabling us to commemorate Jade’s life and create such a fitting legacy.